Operated by the German charitable organization, here I present you Logos Hope, equipped with book fair featuring around 7,000 different titles, a visual presentation called the Journey of Life and the International Cafe. Based on Wiki, the ship could holds up to 800 visitors at any time, with capacity to host an additional 700 in the Hope Theatre and Logos Lounge. So don’t worry about the problem of sinking guys. I went to the ship last week and I am totally aghast when I saw the ladder connecting the ship with the dock. For an acrophobia like me, it’s a dilemma XD Remember guys, it’s safe and secure so no worries.

The crew will charge you RM1 for each person and please, those with Ferraris and Lamborghini out there, hope you consider about donating some of your wealth to the organization. After paying the entrance fee, don’t waste your time and storm the book fair because there are lots of interesting books and it is affordable. They have dictionaries for various languages and that includes a dictionary for computer languages, which I consider errmmmm, we need an IT expert to elaborate more on this.hohohoho. Besides dictionary, you can also buy cook book, bible in various languages, holy prayer songs, and academic materials. To make it easy, I will say, it’s a floating bookshop. You can find lots of reading material except for Borneo post or any news papers. After wandering inside Logos, we bought some books and we went straight home but not without praying in our heart for the safety of the ship’s crew and their next journey. God bless them and let’s wait for their next trip to Kuching with a new ship.